Hello Friends,
I had an amazing concert experience last week and had to share it with you. It was at a fantastic venue in NYC called Joe's Pub and was the first night of 6 in a row for 2 members of the Scottish outfit TRAVIS.
This band got me hooked in the late 90s with the stunning videos they made. So contrary to what the Boggles said about music videos - this band sold me with them.
It was watching the New Music, with Sook Yin Lee, that I first saw these masterpieces. She was interviewing the band in the Blackmarket and throwing to videos throughout. The 2 stand outs where 'Driftwood' and 'Writing to Reach You'. This was at the same time the band were here to open for Oasis at Maple Leaf Gardens...and so double awesome for me!
The show I went to last week featured Fran (Lead singer) and Andy (Lead guitars) on a small stage playing songs in chronological order all the while giving the audience a wee (small) glimpse into the songs origins. It truly was magical and now I need to see all my favs do it this way.
The show was also accompanied with a slide show of the band and bits and pieces of their lives. The one that stood out for me was the story of the track 'Closer' from the album 'The Boy With No Name'. The story was a response to an accident in which the drummer of the band nearly died while on tour. He dove into the shallow end of a pool and damaged his spine severely. Fran explained that it was simply a message to his band + people in his life being very important and that it sucks it takes tragic events for us to see it. The video doesn't make me think that - but it has a killer cameo with Ben Stiller and Ricky Gervais in another version.
Side Note: Fran is wearing a Radio Clyde shirt in this video. If any of you know how to find a black on just like it - then please let me know. I have found it in red a million times - but need this one. My folks are from Clydebank and that is the location of this particular radio station. Shirt was originally made famous by Frank Zappa. CLOSER video
They truly are a special band and so if you trust me and want to check out my top 5 - then here you go...
Writing to Reach You
Hit Me Baby One More Time
Why Does It Always Rain On Me
Damn I wish I were in a band.
Thanks for reading.
PS - I know I look like an idiot in that photo - but it was great to say thanks to them for a wonderful music experience.
(Photo Credit: Raffaella Fornarelli:)
You look so utterly made up in this photo! It's one of your dreams come true! Really happy you met them and had this experience. How amazing. I love Travis - they got heavy rotation second year of Uni. I love Writing to Reach You.